This from an MLS Rumors 'reliable' source... 'Vincente Vuoso to Real Salt Lake?' Mexican Striker to replace Kenny & Espy?
This is supposedly from as reliable source, how reliable, who knows? tIf the story is to be believed, then we have let go 2 strikers for one that we're working on that is currently only a 80% chance at happening. Is this a good gamble, or did we clear more cap space to meet his a hand shake deal enough to offload 2 players, or is there a back-up? My guess with JK & Garth's past dealings they've got an option A, B, and C. We'll see which one pans out.
I don't know much about this player, but a youtube video of him scoring a re-direct header off a free kick does not show me quality...I need more proof during the run of play.
If you read the MLS Rumors story....why will he be in Columbus?
9 years ago