Thursday, April 23, 2009

Again with the things, and the stuff....oi!

The talking heads put it elegantly several years ago..."Same as it ever was". The road, as it is to long distance runners, is unkind to the body RSL. We revel in our home victories as one voice proclaiming to the league that we have truly arrived. Jason Kreis....super star, and the second coming of Garth have performed a master stroke in developing a team on the cheap that plays an attractive style of football, with a full complement of international no names destined to be stars of the league....then......wait for it.....wait for it....(close your eyes and hearken back to your childhood and Saturdays filled with Wile E. Coyote)...."THUD" and the cloud of smoke at the bottom of the NYRB ravine. I fall for it every time, pleading with my friends, "this time, we'll definitely beat the Pink Cows, they're really poor this year". Somehow, we just can't get up for the away game, like we can for a Riot match. Is it coaching, or is it simply a psychological phenomenon that rings true for all sports in general? Why do you think Tiger Woods spends time and money on a sports psychologist? "90 percent of the game is half mental", ain't that the truth Yogi. Me, I keep telling myself that our first away game on grass will be completely different since we're not used to the plastic anymore, but who knows, maybe I'm just mental!
