Few can argue that a win, no matter how big or how small, feels good. In fact, depending on the stage, it can feel amazing. But what makes a winner, and how many times do you have to win to be called a winner? Is one big win enough to be considered a winner for life? How many games featuring Mike Eruzione do you remember watching? Is Dan Marino a winner...he never won the Super Bowl.
Is it important how you win? It's been said "there's no such thing as an ugly win"...or "A win is a win". I often wonder how the medalist feels in the olympics when they win because the person in front of them was "taken out" by someone else. How does that win feel...as good as leading the whole way to victory? How does it feel to win a few weeks later when someone is disqualified after some lab test? Do they feel cheated, because winning is all about the celebration they never had?
Do the ends justify the means? Does it matter if some teams have more money to spend on their players....buying your way to championship? Is a win sweeter when you're the underdog? Will you give anything it takes to win....your friends, your family, your life? Will you trample on others to reach that height? Is how you win important?
Tiger Woods
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