Friday, December 3, 2010

Air Qatar

So the good ole U-S-of-A lost the 2022 World Cup to Qatar. Let me say that again, we lost to Qatar. What do they have that we don't To be clear, buckets of oil soaked money that can be spent getting attention from aged fat men sitting in leather chairs with "FIFA" embroidered on the head rest. We spend our money on oil spills and the military...way less fun than World Cups. And to be honest, I'm not sure why we're so upset. Sure, I was like everyone else on the planet when the announcement was made..."good one, now grab the REAL envelope", after all, we're America...right. But alas, it's true! Now let's get back to the "I'm not sure why we're so upset" part. This IS America, we invented the idea of getting attention for no "valid" reason. Paris Hilton. Kim Kardashian. Who's gonna step up and tell me that either of these two deserve to be twittered and facebooked about on a minute by minute basis. Why do they deserve to be splashed across the internet and reported on as if their movements between Starbucks and Harry Winstons need to be tracked because they hold the fate of the world in Sepp there Gucci bags. They have money...and lot's of it, and they can spend it on stupid things like miniature chihuahua's, diamond crusted cell phones, and lip injections. They can also buy coverage. They can pay people to like them. They can pay people to put them on TV and in movies. Face it folks...hard work is for suckers; honesty and respect good you a good seat at church but screwed at the office and at poker.

Why did Qatar get the World Cup, because they could, and that's how the world works these days. And if you don't like it, don't tip the guy at the door to get in, because you'll be just like Qatar, only poorer and waaaaaaaaay less hot.