Friday, February 20, 2009

Fox Hates Soccer....and Kittens......and You!

To quote one of my favorite programs...."he doesn't hate Easy Company, he just hates you!". In reality, Fox doesn't hate soccer (Fox Soccer Channel = same guy), Fox hates everything. You may have heard the term "If it bleeds, it leads" when someone is referring to the tendency of journalism to lean toward bad news. There's a reason for that. Most people, call it human nature if you will, love the drama and the "agony of defeat". The more spectacular or bizarre, the better. We love to rubberneck on the highway, we love our 30 car pileups at the NASCAR track on Sunday. Fox news, if not every media outlet, relies on controversy, argument, fear, and hate for their ratings. If it doesn't scare you, piss you off, make you crap your pants, or make you go "ooooooooohhhh", they know you'll turn the channel. Advertising dollars don't come runnin' for 30 minute programs of frolicking kittens. For those of you painfully unaware of how this game works, I recommend you find a copy of "Culture of Fear", you can read on your way to the hardware store to buy duck tape and plastic when the Department of Homeland Security announces the next terrorist anthrax attack.

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